My research has focused on how to improve our access to, and the usability of, technology. During my Post-Doc and PhD, I focused on issues related to the acquisition of new skills within the fabrication and making domain, in addition to innovations in input and interaction techniques. In the past (PhD), I focused on how multi-touch devices could be integrated into occupational and physical therapy programs and uncovered the fundamental issues with pen-based interfaces. I also know a thing or two about virtual reality (from my MSc).
I have held an NSERC-funded Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the DGP Lab at the University of Toronto with Dr. Daniel Wigdor and Dr. Tovi Grossman (who was at Autodesk Research). I received my PhD from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Alberta under the advisement of Dr. Walter F. Bischof. While at the University of Alberta, I also worked with Dr. Anoop Gupta and Dr. Paul Dietz at Microsoft Research as an intern and visiting researcher. My PhD dissertation on the challenges with pen-based input can be found here. In 2011, I was a research intern at Autodesk Research and worked with Dr. Tovi Grossman, Dr. George Fitzmaurice, and Dr. Daniel Widgor to develop a proximity-aware multi-touch tabletop (and associated interaction techniques). My MSc in Computing Science focused on virtual reality and was completed in 2009 with Dr. Bischof. A copy of my MSc thesis is available here. I completed my BSc in Computing Science in 2007.
My full CV can be found here.
*** If you are wondering if I would be a good fit to review a paper, I am comfortable reviewing: ***
- Pen computing (including touch and stylus latency, unintended touch / palm rejection, etc.)
- Digital fabrication and creativity support tools (systems to help novices more so than new 3D printing techniques)
- Livestreaming and social media
- Mobile computing (smartwatches, tablets, and mobile phones more so than head-mounted wearables)
- Applications of technology to physical and occupational therapy or rehabilitation
Outside of research, I like to make things, love Disney and LEGO, enjoy running/walking (ran my first 1/2 marathon in 2018 and my first marathon in 2020), and am an avid cross-stitcher. I am married to the wonderful Fraser Anderson, who is a Principal Research Scientist at Autodesk Research.
Contact Info:
email: michelle at mishmashmakers.com