AIR Touch + Publication!

After much hard work and valuable input from a number of my therapist and research colleagues, the first version of the AIRTouch software was completed in September 2009. So far, we have 12 different tasks that are fully customizable and meet a variety of patient needs. Each of the activities was created using Adobe Flex (which I personally think is awesome) and although they are rather simple graphically, they are very fun to interact with.

In November 2009, Fraser and I were lucky enough to travel to Australia and give a conference presentation about our preliminary work at OzCHI 2009. You can read our conference publication here or email me for a copy. The publication was co-authored by D. Goertzen, J. Halton, Q. Ranson, W.F. Bischof and P. Boulanger.

A few of the upper-extremity-based activities are shown here:

Version two of the software is finished but I am waiting until I deploy them at the Glenrose before I begin writing about it and taking videos with my new Flip HD!

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