This week in the news….UBC visitors and scholarships!

Hello! It is only Tuesday, but it has already been a very busy week. Yesterday and today, the AMMI lab was fortunately enough to have Dr. Alan Kingstone, and two of his post-docs Tom Foulsham and Evan Risko visit our lab, share their research with us, and have a great dinner at Walter’s house. I had a great time hearing and watching videos of the projects that Dr. Kingstone’s lab has/is undertaking and appreciated all of their comments and ideas about my (potential) work.

Also, I found out that I was awarded an iCORE PhD Graduate Student Scholarship in Information and Communication Technologies (it’s a long title, i know) to help me pursue my rehabilitation-based research. I am really excited about this because this means that people outside of my lab actually believe in the potential of my research projects and ideas. A real motivation booster that’s for sure!!!

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