Killam Funding

Greetings! I have been on vacation in the United Kingdom for two weeks (I had a stellar time). While in the UK, and more specifically in Lancaster, England, I found out that I am now a Killam Scholar! What this means for me is that I have been fortunate enough to receive funding from the Killam Trusts (University of Alberta Izaak Walton Killam Scholarship) for my PhD research and education. I am very thankful that I received this award / honor!!

Fun Tag Clouds

I am still continuing with the migration of my old site to my new site. I am currently working on adding information and media about the various projects I have worked on in the past, and on projects that I am currently working on. I suspect that this information will be posted in a week or so (it’s difficult to find media for some of my old projects!). In the mean time, I have migrated information on my publications, scholarships, volunteering, supervision activities, and education.

Following a suggestion from Fraser Anderson, I decided to make a tag cloud about the different areas of Computing Science that I am interested in. I make a quick Google search and discovered an awesome website, Wordle, that generates them for you. Here are a few of the different tag clouds that were generated (that I absolutely loved).

Migrating to a new site

After two years of my plain, vanilla website, I have finally decided that it is time to make a new website for myself. After weighing many options, I have decided to use a blog-style format because well, I read blogs everyday and I figured that if others can easily add new media seamlessly, then this will be the perfect medium for me to use as well. Please bear with me, the migration of my old website’s information to this website will take me awhile.